Periodical Newspapers and Magazines 2012 |
- Darzhaven Vestnik /State Gazette / R.Bulgaria /Bg
- "ÀPIS" L aw C ollection /Bg
- AMCH am Bulgarian Magazine /Bg
- Balkanski Horizonti /Bg-Gr
- Bread plus /Hliab plus/ Bg
- Bulgarishes W irtschaftsblatt /De
- b2b M agazine /Bg
- BULGARIA B usiness /Bg
- Magazine-/De
- Expert A ccountant /Bg
- Commercial L aw /Bg
- Ñontemporary L aw /Bg
- Corriere I talia B ulgaria /Bg-It
- Economics /Bg
- Economical T hought /Bg
- Foreign R elations /Bg
- Journal of World Trade /Bg
- Legal Thought /Bg
- Milk plus /Mliako plus /Bg
- m+ a M esseplaner /En
- Regal /Bg
- Revue de l’A rbitrage /Fr
- Sindy Trud /Sindy Labour /Bg
- Stroitelstvo I moti (Real Estates ) /Bg
The Information is available at the BCCI Library.
Mrs. Marina Popova
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 493, 8117 400