- Information about the status of the associate member on the web page (Bulgarian and English version) with details about the name, BCCI registration number, legal form, BULSTAT number, tax number, communications, business activity, lawful representatives and attorneys, foreign shares, capital, number of employees, participation in branch organizations, incorporating court of justice, decision No, company file, volume, page, promulgation in State gazette, proceedings of insolvency or liquidation, etc. (150 visitors daily)
Trade Register
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 476, 8117 551, 8117 405
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tradereg@bcci.bg
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Consultations by the Chamber experts about its activity, services, etc. (general information)
Tel: (+ 359 2) 8117 475
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
- Consultations by GS1 Bulgaria(EAN standards)
GS1 Bulgaria
Tel. (+359 2) 8117 603, 8117 433, 8117 604
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: gs1bulgaria@gs1bg.org, gs1bg02@gs1bg.org
- EIC services (except bids, offers and publications)
Euro Info Centre (EIC)
Tel. (+359 2) 988 50 67, 8117 505, 980 21 89, 8117 417, 981 10 99
Fax: (+359 2) 988 50 67
E-mail: eic@bcci.bg
- Publication of the Company’s annual balance sheets for the preceding year on the Chamber’s web page (up to the end of the calendar year). The balance sheets have to be submitted at the chamber in an electronic form
Economic Analyses and Policy
Tel. (+359 2) 8117 401
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E -mail: ikontr@bcci.bg
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Provision of information by electronic way about the events, organized by the Chamber
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Address information of one foreign partner in a country where BCCI has a counterpart organization
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Sending of one offer for Bulgaria
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Offer of a foreign company for Bulgaria
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Sending of enquiries about the purchase of Bulgarian goods – by branches
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Annual subscription to Infobusiness bulletin
Electronic and Printed Publications
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 520
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tr_catal@bcci.bg
- Listing in the trade catalogue of BCCI members (hard copy, Internet version, CD-ROM) in Bulgarian and English language, which is disseminated among more than 2000 entities, incl. foreign embassies, chambers of commerce, Bulgarian diplomatic missions abroad, during trade missions, international forums, exhibitions, etc.
Electronic and Printed Publications
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 520
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tr_catal@bcci.bg
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- One oral consultation by Consultations department
Tel.: (+359 2) 988 02 32, 8117 477, 8117 479
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: mardor@bcci.bg
- Participation in round tables and discussions on issues, related to the economic situation in the country
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Library (reading room, library fund, Internet)
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 493
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: libr@bcci.bg
- Finding and provision of two references with business details about Bulgarian producers and traders from the library catalogues and from Internet
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 493
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: libr@bcci.bg
- Finding and provision of two references with business details about foreign producers and traders from the library catalogues and from Internet
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 493
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: libr@bcci.bg
- E-mailing of the publications by GS1 Bulgaria
GS1 Bulgaria
Tel. (+359 2) 8117 603, 8117 433, 8117 604
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: gs1bulgaria@gs1bg.org, gs1bg02@gs1bg.org
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Information and consultations on European and national programmes and funding sources
Euro Info Centre (EIC)
Tel. (+359 2) 988 50 67, 8117 505, 980 21 89, 8117 417, 981 10 99
Fax: (+359 2) 988 50 67
E-mail: eic@bcci.bg
International Organizations
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 444, 8117 615
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: int o r g @bcci.bg
Tel.: (+359 2) 988 34 82, 8117 508, 8117 413, 8117 416
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: projects@bcci.bg, bcci_projects@bcci.bg
- Information and consultations on tenders
Tel.: (+359 2) 988 02 32, 8117 477, 8117 479
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: mardor@bcci.bg
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
Euro Info Centre (EIC)
Tel. (+359 2) 988 50 67, 8117 505, 980 21 89, 8117 417, 981 10 99
Fax: (+359 2) 988 50 67
E-mail: eic@bcci.bg
- Information about initiatives and projects of Eurochambres, ICC, ILO, World Bank, ABC, etc. (oral, written, e-mail)
International Organizations
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 444, 8117 615
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: int o r g @bcci.bg
- Electronic version bulletin “Infobusiness”
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Single entry of offers by EIC (enquiry by Bulgarian companies in the specialized international business cooperation systems)
Euro Info Centre (EIC)
Tel. (+359 2) 988 50 67, 8117 505, 980 21 89, 8117 417, 981 10 99
Fax: (+359 2) 988 50 67
E-mail: eic@bcci.bg
- Monthly information about programmes/projects , funded by EU
Euro Info Centre (EIC)
Tel. (+359 2) 988 50 67, 8117 505, 980 21 89, 8117 417, 981 10 99
Fax: (+359 2) 988 50 67
E-mail: eic@bcci.bg
- Consulting for joining projects under way with organizations from Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Access to drafts of laws and regulations for preparation and standpoints
Legal Direction
Tel.: (+ 359 2) 987 22 96, 8117 586, 8117 431
Fax: + 359 2/ 987 32 09
E-mail: vzartova@bcci.bg, lawyers@bcci.bg
- Assistance to obtain information about the existence and status of a foreign counterpart (once per year, for not more than 3 companies, with the assistance of a foreign chamber of commerce).
Trade Register
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 476, 8117 551
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tradereg@bcci.bg
- Preparation and provision of information from the Trade Register for separate circumstances subject to registration (up to 5 enquiries for not more than 30 companies per year)
Trade Register
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 476, 8117 551
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tradereg@bcci.bg
- Information and consulting on events, related to electronic trade
ECIC Project
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 556
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: ecic@bcci.bg
- Advertisement of products or services on Internet on the first page of the web-site, for a period of one week, on a rotation principle (the advertisements have to be provided by the companies ready for publication in Internet size 88x31 pix).
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Advertising of products or services on a special book stall on the ground floor of BCCI for one week
Administrative Service
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 517, 8117 518
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: aco@bcci.bg
- Allocation of an e-mail address and its maintenance on the BCCI server (annually)
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- One oral consultation about the possibilities of the Court of Arbitration as a tool for amicable settlement of business disputes
Court of Arbitration
Tel.: (+359 2) 980 98 99, 8117 560, 8117 559, 8117 561
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: acourt@bcci.bg
- Provision of a package of regulations , related to the activity of the Court of Arbitration, lists, brochures, etc.
Court of Arbitration
Tel.: (+359 2) 980 98 99, 8117 560, 8117 559, 8117 561
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: acourt@bcci.bg
Discounts from the BCCI Tariff of Rates in Percentages
- All services of Consultations Dptm, except for translations - 20%
Tel.: (+359 2) 988 02 32, 8117 477, 8117 479
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: mardor@bcci.bg
- Participation in exhibitions and fairs, organized by BCCI - 10 - 15%
Depending on the type, the use of presentation equipment follows the tariff rates, without any discount)
Fairs and Exhibitions
Tel.:(+359 2) 989 22 40, 989 72 40, 8117 427, 8117 428, 8117 519
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 981 66 26
E-mail: fairs@bcci.bg
- Participation in seminars, training, exchanges , etc. - up to 20%
Depending on the type, the use of presentation equipment follows the tariff rates, without any discount)
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Entry of offers in databases of the Austrian and German CCI - up to 20%
Business Center
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 489, 8117 421
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09, 8117 490
E-mail: bcentre@bcci.bg
- Tax consultations - 20%
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 419
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
- Filling in of foreign trade documents - 10%
Tel :. (+359 2) 8117 420
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
- Preparation of documents for the validation of invitations - declarations for business trips of foreigners to Bulgaria (upon giving explicit authorization to BCCI), including the fees for their issuance - 20%
Tel.: (+359 2) 988 02 32, 8117 477, 8117 479
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: mardor@bcci.bg
Trade Register
Tel. (+359 2) 8117 406
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E -mail: tradereg@bcci.bg
- Access of every Internet user to the full information about a company , included at its request in the Trade Catalogue of BCCI members- 20% Contacts:
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Use of the full information about all companies , included in the Trade Catalogue of BCCI members in Internet - 20%
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
Note: The services will be provided upon presentation of BCCI direct membership card.