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Actualization 16.07.2013
ALBANIA | (AL) | Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry оf Albania, Tirana |
ALGERIA | (DZ) | Chambre Nationale de Commerce, Alger |
ANDORRA | (AD) | Cambra de Comerc, Industria i Serveis d’Andorra, Andorra la Vella |
AUSTRALIA | (AU) | Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Melbourne |
AUSTRIA | (AT) | Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich, Vienna |
BELARUS | (BY) | Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Minsk |
BELGIUM | (BE) | Federation Nationale des Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie de Belgique, Bruxelles |
(BA) | Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo |
BULGARIA | (BG) | Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sofia |
CANADA | (CA) | The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Ottawa, Ontario |
CHILE | (CL) | Santiago Chamber of Commerce, Santiago |
CHINA | (CN) | China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), Beijing |
CHINESE TAIPEI | (TW) | Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taipei |
COTE D’IVOIRE | (CI) | Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan |
CROATIA | (HR) | Croatian Chamber of Economy, Zagreb |
CYPRUS | (CY) | Cyprus Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Nicosia |
CZECH REPUBLIC | (CZ) | Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic, Praha |
DENMARK | (DK) | Danish Chamber of Commerce, Copenhagen |
ESTONIA | (EE) | Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tallinn |
FINLAND | (FL) | The Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland, Helsinki |
FRANCE | (FR) | Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris, Paris |
GERMANY | (DE) | Deutscher Industrie-und Handelskammertag, Berlin |
GIBRALTAR | (GI) | Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, Gibraltar |
GREECE | (GR) | The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Athens |
HONG KONG | (HK) | The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
HUNGARY | (HU) | Madyar Kereskedelmi es Iparkamara, Budapest |
ICELAND | (IS) | Iceland Chamber of Commerce, Reykjavik |
INDIA | (IN) | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi |
IRAN | (IR) | Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines (ICCIM), Tehran |
IRELAND | (IE) | The Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin |
ISRAEL | (IE) | Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, Tel-Aviv |
ITALY | (IL) | Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura (UNIONCAMERE), Rome |
JAPAN | (JP) | The Japan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Tokyo |
KOREA | (KR) | Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Seoul |
LATVIA | (LV) | Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Riga |
LEBANON | (LB) | Beirut Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Beiruth |
LITHUANIA | (LT) | Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, Vilnius |
LUXEMBOURG | (LU) | Federation Nationale des Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie de Belgique, Brussels |
MACAO | (MO) | Macao Chamber of Commerce, Macao |
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA | (MK) | Economic Chamber of Macedonia, Scopje |
MOROCCO | (MA) | Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et des Services de la Wilaya du Grand Casablanca |
MALAYSIA | (MY) | The Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kuala Lumpur |
MALTA | (MT) | The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Valletta |
MAURITIUS | (MU) | The Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Port Louis |
MOLDOVA | (MD) | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, Chisinau |
MONGOLIA | (MN) | Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ulaanbaatar |
MONTENEGRO | (ME) | Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (CEM), Podgorica |
MEXICO | (MX) | Mexico City National Chamber of Commerce (CANACO), Mexico |
NETHERLANDS | (NL) | Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Amsterdam, Amsterdam |
NEW ZEALAND | (NZ) | The Wellington Chamber of Commerce, Wellington |
NORWAY | (NO) | Oslo Chamber of Commerce, Oslo |
PAKISTAN | (PK) | National Committee of the International Chamber in Pakistan |
POLAND | (PL) | Polish Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw |
PORTUGAL | (PT) | Camara de Comercio e Industria Portuguesa, Lisboa |
ROMANIA | (RO) | Camera de Comersi & Industrie a Romaniei, Bucarest |
RUSSIA | (RU) | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Moscow |
SENEGAL | (SN) | Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Region de Dakar, Dakar |
SERBIA | (CS) | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Belgrade |
SINGAPORE | (SG) | Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, Singapore |
SLOVAK REPUBLIC | (SK) | Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bratislava |
SLOVENIA | (SI) | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Ljubljana |
SOUTH AFRICA | (ZAR) | South African Chamber of Business, Saxonwold |
SPAIN | (ES) | Consejo Superior de las Camaras Oficiales de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion de Espana, Madrid |
SRI LANKA | (LK) | Sri Lanka National Council of the International Chamber of Commerce, Colombo |
SWEDEN | (SE) | The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Stockholm |
SWITZERLAND | (CH) | Alliance des Chambres de Commerce Suisses, Geneva |
THAILAND | (TH) | Board of Trade of Thailand, Bangkok |
TUNISIA | (TN) | Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Tunis, Tunis |
TURKEY | (TR) | Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Maritime Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Ankara |
UKRAINE | (UA) | Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kiev |
UNITED KINGDOM | (GB) | London Chamber of Commerce & Industry, London |
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | (AE) | Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dubai |
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | (US) | U.S. Council for International Business, New York |