Private merchant (ET) - 20 BGN
Legal entity - 100 BGN
Public limited company (AD) - 200 BGN
- Information about the status of the associate member on the web page (Bulgarian and English version) with details about the name, BCCI registration number, legal form, BULSTAT number, tax number, communications, business activity, lawful representatives and attorneys, foreign shares, capital, number of employees, participation in branch organizations, incorporating court of justice, decision No, company file, volume, page, promulgation in State Gazette, proceedings of insolvency or liquidation, etc. (150 visitors daily)
Trade Register
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 476, 8117 551, 8117 405
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tradereg@bcci.bg
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
- Consultations by the Chamber experts about its activity, services, etc. (general information)
Tel: (+ 359 2) 8117 475
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
- Consultations by GS1 Bulgaria(EAN standards)
GS1 Bulgaria
Tel. (+359 2) 8117 603, 8117 433, 8117 604
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: gs1bulgaria@gs1bg.org, gs1bg02@gs1bg.org
- EIC services (except the bids, offers and publications)
Euro Info Centre (EIC)
Tel. (+359 2) 988 50 67, 8117 505, 980 21 89, 8117 417, 981 10 99
Fax: (+359 2) 988 50 67
E-mail: eic@bcci.bg
- Publication of the Company’s annual balance sheets for the preceding year on the Chamber’s web page (up to the end of the calendar year). The balance sheets have to be submitted at the Chamber in an electronic form.
Economic Analyses and Policy
Tel. (+359 2) 8117 401
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E -mail: ikontr@bcci.bg
Computer Systems
Tel.:(+359 2) 8117 456
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: vania@bcci.bg
Discounts from the BCCI Tariff Rates in Percentages
- Validation of certificates of origin of goods and export invoices - Up to 20% depending on the value of exported goods), and equal to:
Private merchants (ET)
- 2 certificates of origin of goods with stamp value 10 BGN
Legal entities
- 4 certificates of origin of goods with stamp value 10 BGN, and,
- 3 certificates of origin of goods with stamp value 20 BGN
Public limited companies (AD)
- 6 certificates of origin of goods with stamp value 10 BGN
- 3 certificates of origin of goods with stamp value 20 BGN, and,
- 3 certificates of origin of goods with stamp value 25 BGN
Trade Register
Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 406
Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
E-mail: tradereg@bcci.bg
Note: BCCI associate members who are also direct members of a regional chamber or a branch organization – member of the Chamber, use the indicated services when they have paid 50% of the membership fee.