Forthcoming Projects |
Completed Projects |
Current Projects |
SCOPE - Shared freight transport services connecting shipper and carrier operations
INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean Programme
Duration: 2019 - 2021
Partners: 8 organisations from 3 countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece)
Кратка информация за проекта
Project realized with the financial support of the European Union |
Corporate Social Responsibility for All (CSR-for All)
IPA Civil Society Facility 2014-2015 Multi-beneficiary Programme – Partnership Programmes for CSOs
Duration: 2014 - 2016
Partners: Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Serbia, Bulgaria
Internet Address
Project realized with the financial support of the European Union |
Mediation meets Judges
Civil Justice Programme
Duration: 2014 - 2016
Partners: Spain, France, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Bulgaria
Internet Address
Project realized with the financial support of the European Union |
Together the European market
- common opportunities for companies in industry "Textiles and clothes" of cross-border region
Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme
Axis 2: Enhancing capacity for joint planning, problem solving and development
Duration: 2014 - 2015
Partners: Bulgaria, Serbia
Project realized with the financial support of the European Union |
Virtual World for Awareness and Learning on Information Security
Lifelong Learning programme (LLP)
Duration: 2013-2015
Partners: Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Cyprus
Project realized with the financial support of the European Union |
Повишаване на обществената нетърпимост към
неформалната икономика
трудовоправните и осигурителните
отношения и
превантивни действия за ограничаването й
Оперативна програма “Развитие на човешките ресурси”
Duration: 2009 - 30.06.2015
Internet address
Project realized with the financial support of the European Union |