Issuance of certificates from the Trade Register to Trade Representation Offices

On the grounds of the information on file in the Register , BCCI issues certificates about to the status of the registered trade representation offices of foreign entities which legitimate them before foreign partners, banks, embassies, state bodies etc. These documents are issued in Bulgarian or foreign languages on demand of the respective person.

The sum may be paid:

  • in cash at the Chamber’s cash-desk
  • or remitted to BCCI’s bank account:
        BIC: UNCR BGSF
        IBAN: BG 25 UNCR 7630 1000 3081 19
        7, Sveta Nedelya Sqr., Sofia
  • online:
    • in case of a fixed price of service go to the tariff of the respective item and click "Pay".
    • In case of a non-fixed price of service please send an explanatory e-mail on the specifics of the service. After specifying the details you will be notified by e-mail on the next steps.
Contact details:
 Zdravka Georgieva, Director
 tel.: (+359 2) 987 88 84, 8117 476
  fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09
 Gergina Veselinova
  tel.: (+359 2) 8117 462
  fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09