2.6. Highway Tolls and Documents for Vehicles

Duration: upto 3 min.

Bulgarian road border crossing points are indicated on fig. 38. There, the General Roads Directorate collects highway tolls and checks the respective documents of the vehicles – Bulgarian and foreign.

After passing the Bulgarian border, Bulgarian and foreign trucks and buses are weighted. The charges for the weighting, for surpassing the overall weight and axial load are paid at the desks of Directorate Road Tolls and Licences, which collects all other charges on vehicles as well.

2.6.1. Documents for Bulgarian Vehicles

For Bulgarian vehicles, the border control authorities of the General Roads Directorate require:

For trucks:

  • The total mass, axis load and rear light size are not to be exceeded. Otherwise, the due charges are collected
  • Reservation set of permits, if used.

For buses:

  • A list of the group of passengers
  • The axial load should not to be exceeded. Otherwise, the due charges are collected.
2.6.2. Documents for Foreign Vehicles

For foreign vehicles, the border control bodies of the General Roads Directorate require:

For trucks:

  • Licence for the respective type of transport, if necessary
  • The total mass, axial load and rear light size are not to be exceeded. Otherwise, the due charges are collected
  • Accessories for driving in snow, for the winter
  • Road toll according to the bilateral agreements

For buses:

  • Licence for the respective type of transport, if necessary
  • Original schedule and route for shuttle transport
  • A list of the group of passengers
  • The axial load should not to be exceeded. Otherwise, the due charges are collected.
  • Accessories for driving in snow, for the winter
  • Road toll according to the bilateral agreements
2.6.3. Charges, Paid for Vehicles
After crossing the Bulgarian border, a road toll is paid, set by Tariff No 14 on the charges collected within the system of the Ministry of Regional Development and Planning under the Law on State Charges.

Figure 38. Republic of Bulgaria Road Border Crossing Points