OECD-ILO High-Level Event on the role of Responsible Business Conduct in building resilience

Dear attendees,

Thank you for participating in the OECD-ILO High-Level Event on the role of Responsible Business Conduct in building resilience on 21 January 2021. We hope you enjoyed the event and found the discussion helpful in highlighting opportunities to strengthen implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility / Responsible Business Conduct (CSR/RBC) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please visit our event page to download the new Outcomes Note (English and Japanese), which includes key comments, reflections and recommendations provided during the event. Our event page also includes a recording of the event, the Background Note, answers to questions submitted during the event, and a brief on the RSCA Programme in Japan.

We hope to see you again at future events. 

Best regards,
RSCA Programme

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