Economic Analyses

Bulgaria in figures®, edition 2024
References about financial results

The department prepares references about the financial results of a company or a group of companies.

The information is based on the annual financial statements submitted to the BCCI and includes: assets, shareholders equity, profit/loss, loans received, payables, net sales revenue, revenue, operating activities expenses, taxes.

The references are prepared in a spreadsheet in Excel.

Economic analysis by sectors

The department prepares economic analysis by sectors at a request of the customer.

The research and the data are based on the official statistics, BNB and the data from the financial statements submitted to the BCCI.

Business research inquiries and analyses

The department:

  • carries out business research inquiries at a request of the customer and makes business analyses;
  • provides results from the research inquiries made by the BCCI on the business climate and business development.

Bulgaria in the international rankings - as of 04/2024

The Economy of Bulgaria

Bulgaria in figures®, edition 2024

Contact details: Economic Analysis and Researches
   B. Abadzhieva
 Tel.: (+359 2) 8117 410
  Fax: (+359 2) 987 32 09