Events related to Iraq reconstruction

The following is a chronological list of several recent and upcoming events on Iraqi reconstruction, including two events in Iraq. Please note that some of this information may be subject to change. The events listed below focus on bringing together companies that are seeking business or partners in Iraq.

  1. March 20-22, 2004, in Bahrain: Exicon International Exhibitions and Conferences will organize the "Reach and Build Iraq Exhibition" in conjunction with the Iraqi-Arab Alliance for Reconstruction, Trade and Investment. The event will be held at the Gulf International Conventions and Exhibition Center (Gulf Hotel). Exicon projects approximately 100 exhibitors and up to 10,000 visitors at the show. Major objectives include covering political, legal, and economic developments in Iraq; status of Iraqi facilities and infrastructure; reconstruction plans of the cpa; donor country roles; local entrepreneur capacities; Iraqi and Arab company partnering; the role of Arab bodies and institutions; and a review of the goods and services needed in the reconstruction process that are available in Arab and foreign countries participating in the conference. For more information: E-mail: or visit their website at

  2. March 22-24 in Amman, Jordan, the Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs (CNFA) is hosting "Iraqi Agriculture: Strategies for Growth and Opportunity." This conference is focused specifically on Iraq's agriculture and will include key Iraqi interim government (Ministries of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Water Irrigation, and Trade) and international agribusiness leaders. Organizer contact: and website is; contact from the Coalition Provisional Authority is George Adair at

  3. April 5-8, the Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing in Baghdad "Destination Baghdad Expo" or "DBX" This would be the first major trade show in Iraq following military conflict. "DBX" is an exhibition and conference. They currently have over 200 exhibition booths with the following major country breakdowns - U.S. 13 companies, Iraq 10 companies, Kuwait 18 companies, Korea 32 companies, and other countries. Major sponsors include General Electric, Laru, Triple Canopy, Canon, Orascom/Iraqna, Eagle Global Logistics, and others. Security will be provided by GE Security and Erinys. More information including registration on "DBX" can be obtained on the website

  4. April 10 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. Commercial Service in Saudi Arabia with the Council of Saudi Chambers is hosting an Iraq Reconstruction Seminar. For more details, please contact

  5. April 26-29, in Arbil, Iraqi: the show organizer 'New Fields' is holding its fourth conference in its "Rebuilding Iraq" series. Arbil is located in northern Iraq, and is accessible over land transport from Turkey and Baghdad. Local business leaders will address their economic success and stability over the last decade, and highlight trade and investment opportunities in northern Iraq. Additional speakers reportedly will include Iraqi governing council members, representatives from the Parliament of Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraqi ministries, and the private sector. More information on this conference including registration can be obtained on the website

  6. On February 11, Secretary of Commerce Evans hosted an interagency business briefing on Iraq that included remarks from Tom Foley, Director of Private Sector Development, Coalition Provisional Authority; Rend al-Rahim, Iraq's representative to the United States, and senior officials from the Department of Commerce, Treasury Department, State Department, Export-Import Bank, OPIC, and the private sector. Proceedings of this event including web casts of each session are available for worldwide viewing on Materials also include a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on "Doing Business in Iraq" prepared by Minister Counselor Bob Connan, recently serving in Iraq on business and trade issues.

  7. The U.S. Department of Commerce website provides business information on reconstruction and investment in Iraq and continues to be a valuable resource to the U.S. and global business community. The most frequently visited documents include the Business Guide for Iraq, Frequently Asked Questions, and the Chart of Contracts and Subcontracts. Companies may also subscribe via the site to receive periodic Iraq alert email updates provided by the department.

    Other sources of information include the following websites:

    Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA):

    U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID):

    U.S. Department of State:

    U.S. Department of Defense

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)