" Bulgargas", Sofia, resident district Lulin 2, bul. Pancho Vladigerov 66, tel. 02/984-25-351, official for contacts: ms. Fani Rogacheva, fax. 925-04-01 starts a procedure for putting a public order for the delivery, mounting and putting into exploitation of communicational equipment, as follows: First group: communication devices and active equipment for the needs of "Bulgargas"

Second group: equipment for the construction telephone and control connections through the WAN network of "Bulgargas" (the candidates can apply for each of the two groups separately as well as for both of the groups at one time). Application documents are available at the headquarters of the assigner from 30.06.2003.

Municipality Plovdiv on the authority of article 21, paragraph 1, point 5 of the Public Orders law with decision ¹ 01-23 from 20.06.2003 of the mayor of the municipality ceases part the started with decision ¹ 23 from 23.05.2003 public order in the part for: designing and implementation of software for centralized information system for accounting, analyzing and control of the own revenue and registration of trading sites in Municipality Plovdiv, amounting to 12 000 BGL with VAT. The rest of the order is not changed.

In connection with the transportation project, sponsored by the EBRD, the City Council approved the report of the bank, according to which Mercedes-Benz Turk A.S is the winner of the auction for the delivery of long buses.

The Agency for SMEs will propose to the Parliament, all Bulgarian companies, which apply by the law for the Public Orders, to present a court's registration only when they are allowed to participate in the competition. Last week the changes in the law were ratified by the Government.

A new supplier of natural gas, different from Gasprom, may appear if he is capable of supplying at least 25% of the annual consumption of Bulgaria. The other opportunity is to build a connection with a European country, which receives the same percent of its consumption from an alternative supplier, different from the Russian company.

The Bulgarian National Bank announced an auction for buying software licenses of Microsoft. The buying is connected with the opening of new computer-based working places, and the exchange of the old computers with new additionally packed ones, as well as with the installation of new software packages.

The Supreme Administrative Court ruled in favor of "Overgas" for the right of the company to receive a license for the gasification of the southern parts of Sofia. The company filed an appeal against the National Commission for Energy Regulating, which refused to give them a license and intended to organize an auction for the gasification of the region.

11 August 2003

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