SECI Club Bulgaria

Main problems
Of the border crossing Kapitan Andreevo - Kapikule
Sept. 23, 2003, 19:30 Maxi Hptel, Simeonovsko Chausse

  1. Types of problems. Over 20 problems have been identified n the Kapitan Andreevo - Kapikule border crossing and they are connected with the pecularities of the border crossing, outdated infrastructure and control technologies, outdated procedures, economic interest (smuggling), all kinds of fees, etc. The approach to resolving them should be complex since the resolving of some problems is usually interconnected with creating other problems, and the partial solution is neither in the interest of both countries, nor in the interest of business.

  2. The border. The border at Kapitan Andreevo is, figuratively spoken, a funnel in which the trucks enter using many lanes but exit using only one. The blockage and waiting times of about 9 hours is caused by above narrowing of the border. An offer was made to build a second lane. However, there are problems with this solution, namely: the second lane would not resolve the problem radically - instead of 9-10 hours, the waiting time will be reduced to about 5 hours. Also, according to Bulgarian legislation, a public procurement procedure has to be stated in accordance to the Public Procurement Act and will, consequently, need time and give possibilities of revocation and further delays.

  3. Outdated infrastructure (MI, MRDPW, MF, MAF). The control cabins on the Bulgarian side are not at the level of the drivers, and sometimes even not at the same side. This forces the drivers to come down from the truck at every control point and walk to the control cabin. This problem can be solved by elevating the Bulgarian cabins to the level of the drivers. An example for this situation is the desinfection control. The investment needed for elevating the cabins is about 50 thousand EUR, the construction is easy and can be performed within no more than three months.

  4. Desinfection control (MAF). With this control that does not exist in Europe and is sometime called "the poodle", a disinfection is performed that is arguably not necessary if there is no epidemic disease in Turkey. Therefore, the offer is to keep the equipment but to use it only if need arises, that is when an epidemic exists. At the remaining days, the trucks have to pass without control - this will decrease the jam and the border crossing time.

  5. Weight control (MRDPW). This type of control is also outdated. The SEE countries have signed in 1999 a Memorandum (enclosed) having as one of its goals to avoid the multiple weighting of trucks on all borders. Instead, the trucks could travel with a weight document called the Truck Weight Certificate. BULPRO has offered to prepare a respective draft of such a document. Bulgaria and Turkey could become the pilot countries to implement it and this will decrease the jam and the border crossing time.

  6. Outdated technologies (MI, MRDPW, MF, MAF). The different kinds of control should be connected in a single information system both on border crossing level and on a national level. This is the only way to decrease the time for multiple input of the same data about the vehicle and driver and on the other hand, a more efficient combating of smuggling and customs fraud can be introduced if the Tax administration, the public prosecutor, the Patent administration and the court participate. Also, an offer is made to include into one system the border crossing customs control of Bulgaria and Turkey. This can be done by connecting also the other kinds of control and even more efficient if the control is conducted jointly.

  7. Fees (MI, MRDPW, MF, MAF). At present, the border controls have fees that are basing on tariffs and legislation. Every border crossing authority is hosted by a different institution and is independent from the others when setting or changing its fees and taxes. This causes the following problems: no one knows for sure how much is the sum of the fees paid, and what kind of fees. This became very obvious during the meeting of the two transport ministers on Aug. 29, 2003 - no common national politics in the interest of the business and State can be conducted to alleviate the amount and type of fees. Along with this, the business also wants the fees to be reduced as a whole and used as intended - a thing we doubt at present. To resolve this problem, new fees have to be set and this has to happen in a single law. Also, a practice has to be introduced to collect all fees on a single window. This is already done in Romania. BCCI translated the respective law and submitted it to the Border police. In Bulgaria, the Border Police conducted an experiment on the Kapitan Andreevo border crossing and introduced an Uniform information fiche to make the first step towards the single window payment. The single window payment will decrease the jam and the border crossing time and facilitate the freight forwarders.

  8. Documents (MI, MRDPW, MF, MAF). Language and mutual recognition of documents. At present, on both sides of the border documents are issued in the respective national language. This creates problem for the forwarders of the other country and third parties. It is proposed to issue the documents in the respective national language and in English. The institutions of both countries should mutually acknowledge the issued documents and repeated controls to be performed only by exception.

  9. Trade and transport documents (Ministry of Finance). A part of the goods enter Bulgaria from Turkey with small trucks called Cargo or Camionette trucks without or with insufficient documents. This is a part of the smuggling and customs frauds. Upon request of the Bulgarian manufacturers, the customs started an active control on the border - 100% border control and collecting duty on goods that are not proven to be of Turkish origin.

  10. Visa (MI). It is necessary to continue the process of facilitating the issuing of visa both for the freight forwarders and the businessmen from Turkey. For freight forwarders and businessmen having Shengen visa, the Bulgarian consules should issue Bulgarian visa immediately.

  11. Monitoring (BULPRO, TURKPRO). The PRO committees have conducted the first independent monitoring. The results shall be analysed in the middle of October. The PRO committees are ready to conduct 24 hours monitoring on border crossing problems together with American consultants. It will provide information on the border crossing time and useful information online so the companies will track their trucks.

Proposal: Above problems to be discussed in the Interagency Council on border crossing (chaired by MI) with BULPRO participation. The Council of Ministers to adopt measures for resolving the problems.

25 September 2003

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