Enlargement, employment and vocational education and training

The National Centre for Vocational Training within the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCVT) actively participates as a partner in the EU Project "Enlargement, employment and vocational education and training" of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The Project creates a network of 9 European countries - Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Sweden. The main project objectives are the establishment of constantly operating structures, which to ensure qualification and employment of people in the context of the EU enlargement to the East in the field of IT and mechatronics; higher level of information availability and good practice models' identification; support of the presence of good practice models for adaptation and application within the national vocational training systems.

NCVT took part in the second working seminar in Helsingoer, Denmark. During the session there were presented NCVT's results on the "Observatory" working package - Bulgarian educational system evaluation; situational analysis of the vocational education and training institutions, the good practices in the sectors of IT and mechatronics. Impression caused also the questionnaire results, conducted among trainees, trainers, branch organizations in relation to the mechatronics' introduction and application within the sectors and the potential advantages for the companies, applying the new IT.

7 April 2004

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