of the General Assembly
of the Association of the Balkan Chambers (ABC)
to the governments of their countries
Sofia, 8th Decemer, 2004

The Association of the Balkan Chambers during the 10 years of its existence proved to be one of the main promoters of the economic collaboration in the region, particularly within the context of EU enlargement. The member-chambers of the ABC are not only representatives of the business community on the Balkans but also speakers of the entrepreneurs in the area. As a representative organization of the Balkan Chambers, the ABC applies flexible approaches to the encouragement of the economic development in the region in conformity with the new realities and developments in the regional business environment. The new EU membership of Cyprus, the forthcoming EU accession of Bulgaria and Romania and the expected beginning of the negotiations of Turkey with the EU outline the new tendencies in the development of the region and hence - the new priorities of the ABC member-chambers. The successful integration of the Balkan entrepreneurs in the EU is of paramount importance. In order to further continue and accelerate this process, we, the Presidents and Representatives of the Chambers/Unions of Chambers of the Balkan countries on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Association of the Balkan Chambers (ABC), gathered in Sofia on 8th December, 2004, agreed on the following proposals and resolutions: