
CETA in the focus of the meeting with the Commercial Counsellor of the Canadian Embassy

Bulgarian – Canadian Business Forum “Why Canada?” will take place on 7 November in Sofia

BCCI was visited by Mr. Bradwin Niblock, Commercial Counsellor at the Embassy of Canada in Bucharest, accredited for Bulgaria. He had a meeting with the Chamber’s Vice-President Georgi Stoev and Secretary General Vasil Todorov.

The Commercial Counsellor got acquainted to the activity of BCCI in support of Bulgarian business. During the meeting the upcoming Bulgarian – Canadian Business Forum “Why Canada?” was discussed, which according to the latest information will take place on 7 November 2017 in Sofia. During the forum information will be presented about the trade and economic relations between Bulgaria and Canada, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the business climate in Canada, its administration and tax system, opportunities for Bulgarian companies in the Canadian market, and specific conditions for export of goods and services to Canada.

Other measures to promote trade and economic cooperation between the two countries were discussed, such as organizing thematic events by regions, closer contacts with Canadian companies already operating in Bulgaria and the region.

The guest expressed interest in the possibility BCCI to disseminate information about CETA among its members and partner organizations. The Secretary General of BCCI provided information about clusters in Bulgaria and pointed out the excellent opportunities for development they present to small companies.

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada, on the one hand, and the European Union and its Member States, on the other, governs EU-Canada trade rules and covers trade in goods, trade in services, intellectual property protection, public procurements, rules of origin, investment protection, dispute resolution, institutional arrangements, etc.

The Agreement is expected to promote and improve the trade and economic ties and to intensify the cooperation between Bulgaria and Canada, including to ensure high standards in trade relations not only in the area of trade in goods and services, but also in terms of investment, intellectual property, rules of origin, etc.



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