
Business discussion with the participation of the Ambassador of Vietnam

Information workshops on economic topics related to Vietnam to be organized

The President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov took part in a business discussion with H.E. Doan Tuan Linh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam. The discussion took place at the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Sofia and included a team of the Embassy and representatives of Bulgarian companies working on the Vietnamese food market.

During the talks, important questions were raised about the problems faced by Bulgarian companies in relation to issuance of different types of certificates and permits to enter the Vietnamese market. It was agreed that the Embassy and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry would provide assistance to the Bulgarian companies wishing to understand more about the conditions for investment in Vietnam.

Ambassador Linh informed that a major priority during his mandate in Sofia would be the forthcoming organization of information workshops on three economic topics related to Vietnam. During the events, participants will be given the opportunity to ask specific questions on the topics, with the first topic expected to include actively companies authorized to import and export labor.

It was agreed that the following topics would be addressed during the information workshops:

  • Import of skilled labor from Vietnam
  • Tourism
  • Commercial and Economic Relations

Representatives of companies wishing to take part in any of the three workshops can declare their interest in advance by e-mail: irelations@bcci.bg . BCCI will further inform about the dates of the events.


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