
Business forum with a Lebanese delegation from the Ministry of Industry was held at BCCI

Accompanied by bilateral meetings between Bulgarian and Lebanese companies

BCCI hosted a Bulgarian – Lebanese Business Forum, organized in cooperation with the Commercial Section of the Embassy of Bulgaria in Lebanon, in connection with a study visit to Bulgaria of an expert delegation from the Ministry of Industry of Lebanon.

The event was officially opened by the President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov. He said that the visit comes only days after the official visit of Lebanon’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants to Sofia, which is a sign of the country’s interest in developing bilateral commercial and economic relations with Bulgaria. Tsvetan Simeonov said that BCCI maintains good relations with the Embassy of the Lebanese Republic in Sofia, and with the Chairmen of the joint Bulgarian – Lebanese and Lebanese – Bulgarian Business Councils. The President of BCCI highlighted the stable macroeconomic indicators of Bulgaria, the tax policy and the preferences it offers to investors.

Dani Gedeon, Director General at the Lebanese Ministry of Industry presented a project of the Ministry for development of industrial zones in Lebanon – operational objectives, investment opportunities and benefits for the business.

Teodora Stavreva, Director “Marketing and Investment Services” at Invest Bulgaria Agency, presented basic information on Bulgaria’s economic indicators, leading sectors in the country, the bilateral relations between Bulgaria and Lebanon. The presentation is available HERE.

After the official part, the forum continued with bilateral meetings between the Bulgarian and Lebanese companies.


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