
At BCCI bilateral meetings between Turkish and Bulgarian companies were held

A delegation from Kocaeli Chamber of Industry visited the Chamber

A Turkish business delegation from Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, led by Mr. Atalay Kaya, Member of the Board, visited BCCI. The aim of the visit was to discuss the opportunities for cooperation and hold bilateral business meetings between companies from both countries operating in various sectors.

The event was opened by Vasil Todorov, Secretary General of BCCI, who presented the services of the Chamber. He emphasized the good relations between the Bulgarian regional chambers of commerce and industry and similar organizations in Turkey, and expressed the readiness of BCCI to cooperate for the expansion of the bilateral commercial relations.

After the official part, business meetings were held between Bulgarian and Turkish companies in the field of construction, architecture, manufacturing of server cabinets, marine industry, electronics, etc. Among the participating companies were: Kocaeli Kaya, Evren Zincir, Erkan Karacan, Ergsan İnşaat, Pekdemir İnşaat.


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