
Business mission from Slovakia will visit BCCI on May, 21st

It includes companies from the sectors of the automotive industry, machinery, machine tools, metrology, manufacture of paints and steel concrete pillars

H. E. Mr. Manuel Korček, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic, visited BCCI and talked with President of BCCI – Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov. Viktor Petrasovsky, Second Deputy Head of Mission, also attended the meeting.

The economic situation in both countries and the opportunities for achieving even better indicators were discussed. In this respect, Ambassador Korček, informed on an upcoming visit of a Slovak business mission, taking place on May 21st this year at the premises BCCI, which will include companies from the sectors of the automotive industry, machinery, machine tools, metrology, manufacture of paints and steel concrete pillars.

During the meeting at BCCI it was found that the automotive sector is developing at a high rate in Bulgaria as well, which is a prerequisite for future cooperation between the manufacturers of spare parts for the automotive industry in both countries.

By the end of June this year Slovakia will chair the Visegrad Quartet countries, including Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. On this occasion, the European scientific conference on the conditions and processes of investment, planning, construction and development of the construction industry will be held in Sofia. In mid-May this year, joint intergovernmental commission will be held with the participation of state-level representatives from both countries.


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