
BCCI will host Eurasian Business Forum

The role of the business community in Eurasian integration, globalization, prospects of business cooperation

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is pleased to announce that on 22 May 2019 it will host a Eurasian Business Forum, initiated by the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly /www.eurasia-assembly.org/.

The topics to be addressed during the forum include: the role of the business community in Eurasian integration, globalization, prospects of business cooperation, potential in mutual trade and international cooperation between the Eurasian countries and in particular with Bulgaria, digital economy, investment projects in Bulgaria, infrastructure projects, features of the real estate market, tourism potential of Bulgaria, etc.

Business representatives from the Eurasian countries, international organizations, public and non-governmental organizations, diplomats, business associations, experts, representatives of the media are invited to take part in the forum.

The preliminary programme of the forum is available HERE. The working languages of the event are Bulgarian and Russian/English with provided translation.

For additional information: BCCI, “International Cooperation and International Organizations” Department, tel.: +359 2 8117 489, e-mail: interdpt@bcci.bg


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