
European election results: an opportunity for positive change

Optimism does not leave the representatives of the chambers of commerce and industry in Europe

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry actively supported the call for maximum participation of the European and Bulgarian voters in the European Parliament 2019 elections. BCCI considers that the European and Bulgarian institutions should continue their efforts for wider involvement of the European citizens, including of Bulgarian citizens, in the process of discussing and solving the issues of the European agenda.

The call of the President of the Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry “EUROCHAMRBES” - Christoph Leitl for public policy to be an agent of change and not an obstacle to the economic environment is especially valid for Bulgaria. In response to the preliminary election results, Leitl commented: “We live in a period of unprecedented change, both in scale and pace. Public policy must be an agent of change, not an obstacle. Our challenge is to work with the new European Parliament to ensure that Europe changes for the better. New alliances must be built on a constructive attitude to the EU: we must move forward together, not backward separately!

According to the President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov, the results achieved for Bulgaria should in no way affect the initiated more active fight against corruption, on the contrary - they should encourage it. “We are also counting on further improvement of the dialogue with the nationally representative employers’ organizations, in order to increase Bulgaria’s attractiveness as an investment destination”, he said.

The statement of EUROCHAMBRES, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in reaction to the European Elections 2019 vote (27 May 2019)


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