
Bulgarian-Indonesian Business forum is going to be held on September 16 in Sofia

H.E. Mrs. Sri Astari RASJID, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Sofia, and representatives of the Embassy visited BCCI and discussed with the Chamber's President Tsvetan Simeonov the bilateral trade and economic relations as well as upcoming initiatives.

In addition to the current economic situation in Bulgaria and Indonesia, another point of discussion was the forthcoming visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia-Mrs. Retno Marsudi in Sofia. The Minister is expected to be accompanied by a business delegation led by  the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Rosan Roeslani. A Bulgarian business forum was discussed to be held together with BCCI on September 16, 2019.

Ambassador Rasjid said that the sectors of mutual interest are: palm oil production, chemical industry and pharmaceuticals, fisheries and aquaculture, food and beverage industries, copper ores.

The Embassy of Indonesia is currently discussing the possibility of organizing a traditional Indonesian goods’ exhibition aiming to accompany the agenda of the officials. Companies from Albania and Northern Macedonia are expected to take part in the Business forum in Sofia.


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