
Azerbaijan is interested in more active bilateral trade in food and light industry products

H.E. Dr. Huseyn Huseynov

The new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan in Sofia H.E. Dr. Huseyn Huseynov got acquainted with the activities of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry during a meeting with Tsvetan Simeonov. The President of the Chamber outlined the main areas of activity of the BCCI as a business and employers’ organization and presented the cooperation with partners from Azerbaijan and the interaction within the Business Council of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

Ambassador Huseynov pointed out that his country is interested in more active trade in both directions in goods from the food and light industry /textiles, cosmetics/, as well as cooperation in the field of energy and construction.

It was agreed to hold information events for businesses from both countries in the autumn of 2021.




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