
BCCI hosted a delegation from Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry received in its premises this Thursday, 19th of August, a delegation of members of the Board of Directors of the Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry aiming at strengthening bilateral commercial connections. The delegation also included business representatives from the sectors of construction, farming, agriculture, glass production and window framing, and finances and trade.

In his welcoming speech, Tvestan Simeonov, President of the BCCI, asserted that the Bulgarian Chamber is glad to receive the delegation in time of difficulties and opportunities and set optimistic expectations for the bilateral trade and neighboring relations.

The BCCI President provided the delegation with essential information regarding Bulgaria's current trade and economic policies. He affirmed that BCCI is offering and insisting on more simplified administrative procedures and keeping the tax rates at their current levels. Tvestan Simeonov also briefed his colleagues on the recent ministerial decisions regarding COVID-19 measures for businesses (Ministry of Health care, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

The President of the Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Recep Zipkinkurt presented the economic and health situation in Edirne, Turkey and stressed the intentions of the accompanying businessmen to develop further business relations with Bulgarian partners. The programme of the delegation includes also visits to Plovdiv, Stara Zagora and Smolyan.




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