
BCCI hosted a meeting with a business delegation led by the Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Bulgarian and Vietnamese companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a working meeting with the Vice President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ms. Võ Thị Ánh Xuân and Vietnamese companies. The event was organized jointly with the Embassy of Vietnam in Sofia and was held in a hybrid format.

Tsvetan Simeonov, President of BCCI, officially launched the event, emphasizing the excellent relations of the Chamber with partners from Vietnam as well as the series of joint events and visits held in the past at various levels, the highest being the business delegation accompanying the President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev during his official visit to Vietnam in 2013. The President of BCCI noted that Bulgaria is a reliable trading partner with good macroeconomic indicators. Simeonov also pointed out Bulgaria’s excellent impressions of the hard-working Vietnamese people and the country’s pace of development.

Daniela Vezieva, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria, also greeted the participants in the meeting. She shared that Bulgaria and Vietnam have a traditionally good partnership and explained that a new opportunity for the development of the bilateral cooperation is provided by the Free Trade Agreement signed in 2020 between the EU and Vietnam. Minister Vezieva presented Bulgaria’s strong positions in the IT sector, tourism and recreational industries, which create potential for expanding the cooperation with Vietnam.

The Vice President of Vietnam Ms. Võ Thị Ánh Xuân  thanked the Bulgarian government and people for the warm welcome and for the fruitful work program. She focused on the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement as well as the forthcoming Investment Protection Agreement. The Vice President of Vietnam said that there is great potential for the development of bilateral trade relations with Bulgaria by increasing exports to Bulgaria of textiles and agricultural products, and imports to Vietnam to include rose oil, medicines, machinery for the food industry and other products.

During the meeting and in the presence of the official guests, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between a Bulgarian and a Vietnamese company in the field of medical equipment and pharmacy.

A discussion followed with the participation of the Deputy Ministers of Planning and Investment, of Industry and Trade, and of Labor and Social Affairs of Vietnam, who answered questions raised by the business representatives related to potential investments in Bulgaria, the benefits of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, the import of Vietnamese labor, etc.

The meeting ended with a presentation of the Vietnamese companies and their interests on the Bulgarian market and bilateral meetings with representatives of the Bulgarian business.

Tsvetan Simeonov had a meeting with the Vice Chairwoman of the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs Council, established under the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and Head of the business delegation - Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh, during which they discussed various aspects of the bilateral partnership.



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