
А meeting with the Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the State of Palestine in Sofia

Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov, President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, had the opportunity to meet Dr. Waill Batrekhi, Chargé d'affaires a.i.  of the Embassy of the State of Palestine  in Sofia. Among the topics discussed were the possibilities to deepen the commercial and economic partnership between the two countries. Mr. Simeonov introduced the work of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry before the guest, and accordingly, the relations with partner organizations in Palestine, including the Federation of Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture and the regional chambers of commerce from Ramallah, Hebron and Gaza. There is a cooperation agreement between BCCI and the Federation, since 2020, and is due to be renewed.

Dr. Batrekhi gave an overview of the economic development of the State of Palestine. And the potential areas for cooperation between the Bulgarian and Palestinian companies. Specific steps to additionally develop the business relations were discussed. BCCI is about to further disseminate information concerning upcoming events and meetings.


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