
Prospects for the development of trade and economic relations between Bulgaria and Libya

Discussed by the President of BCCI and the Ambassador of the State of Libya

The President of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tsvetan Simeonov visited the Embassy of Libya at the invitation of H.E. Abu Baker A. Saeed Saleh, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Libya in Sofia. Mahmud Abdulkader, Counselor at the Embassy, and a representative of the Consular Department also took part in the meeting.

The visit was in continuation of a meeting held at the end of last year, and in connection with the reaffirmation of commitments made by both sides to improve trade and economic relations. The Ambassador informed about the current development of the Libyan economy. Tsvetan Simeonov, for his part, presented the economic situation in Bulgaria and introduced the team of the Embassy to the priorities of the Association of the Organisations of Bulgarian Employers (AOBE), which BCCI will chair in 2023.

The Embassy noted the need to increase the number of Libyan medical students in Bulgarian universities, as well as to activate tourist connections.

Both parties indicated that in order to achieve the mentioned goals, it is necessary and good for Bulgaria to resume the activities of its diplomatic mission in Libya. According to the Embassy, more than 50 foreign diplomatic missions are currently operating in Libya.

BCCI undertook, after receiving up-to-date information on announced tenders in the field of construction in Libya, to promptly inform interested Bulgarian construction companies through its communication and information channels.

The Ambassador and the BCCI President agreed that the traditionally good bilateral relations established over the years are the most important prerequisite for the development of cooperation.



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