
Free online training for SMEs on the benefits of implementing cobots in industry

On June 28, at 3 p.m., a free online training for small and middle enterprises will be held within the framework of the VOJEXT (Value Of Joint EXperimentation in digital Technologies for manufacturing and construction) project implemented with the participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The purpose of the webinar is to inform business representatives about the benefits of implementing mobile collaborative robots (so-called "cobots") in production and construction.
During the training, the developed cyber-physical system for controlling the robotic arm and its application in various sectors of the industry will be presented. The capabilities of the cobot to recognize production environments, objects and people will also be demonstrated. Topics related to safety and worker interaction with cobots will also be touched upon.
Experts from the partner organizations responsible for the development of the innovative technology will be available to answer questions from the participants.
The working language of the webinar is English, and participation in it is free. You can find the program of the event and register for participation at the following link.
In the coming months, more seminars on a similar topic are to be held. As the coordinator of information and communication activities for the project, BCCI will continue to disseminate information about upcoming events to its members and partners.
*The VOJEXT project is implemented within the Horizon 2020 Program with the participation of 19 partner organizations from 11 countries - Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Poland, Turkey, Hungary and France. The goal of the project is to promote the implementation of a new generation of cognitive (cognitive) robots in the production processes of enterprises. More information about the project can be found on its official website - https://vojext.eu/


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