
Georgi Stoev, Vice-President of BCCI awarded with commendation of the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship in Japan

The commendation was presented at a ceremony in the Residence of the Japanese Ambassador in Sofia


Georgi Stoev, Vice-President of BCCI and the Bulgarian – Japanese Economic Council, was awarded with commendation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan as Chairman of the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) for Bulgaria. The conferment ceremony took place in the Residence of the Japanese Ambassador to Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Makoto Ito on 22 August 2012 in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomats. 

The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) was established in 1959 with the support of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan (which is the present Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) as the first technical cooperation organization on a private basis in Japan.

The total number of participants having received training in Japan has reached more than 162 000, representing 170 countries from around the world, while the total number of participants in AOTS training activities in overseas countries exceeded 189,000 in fiscal 2010.

The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) provides the following types of services and activities:
Training programmes for companies and business organizations;
Logistical support to participants;
Educational tours and seminars;
Maintaining contact with trainees and members of AOTS Alumni Societies. 

More than 400 Bulgarian citizens have received scholarships and participated in trainings of the Association.

One of the major activities of AOTS in Bulgaria was the establishment of the BOSEI Quality Award. The award was co-founded by the Institute of Postgraduate Qualification with the University of National and World Economy – Sofia, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Associations of Bulgarian Graduates in Japan, and AOTS in cooperation with JICA and Tokai University Alumni Association. The name of the award is derived from the logo of Tokai University and means aspiration for the stars, or aspiration for the perfect quality.

As of 2012, ATOS is part of the newly-established Human Innovation Development Association.  


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