The general objective of the project is to build the capacity of VET actors (VET schools, companies, intermediary organisations) to use effectively digital tools in order to organise online apprenticeships.
The main results expected to be achieved following the successful implementation of the project are:
1) A collection of at least 30 best practices from all over the world in order to identify ideas and practices that could be replicated in the local context of each VET actor;
2) Three handbooks, one addressed to VET organisations, one addressed to intermediary organisations and one addressed to companies with step-by-step guides, tips and templates related with the organisation of online apprenticeships, guidance on the development of a digital apprenticeship strategy at institution level.
3) A training course aiming at building the capacity of these actors to engage effectively in the organisation of effective online apprenticeships.
The three main target groups of the project are:
- VET organisations that offer either initial or continuous VET and include apprenticeships as part of their training program;
- Companies, especially SMEs, that are involved or would like to be involved in apprenticeship schemes;
Intermediary organisations (such as chambers of commerce, employers’ organisations, etc.)
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union |