Go Social Dialog




Art. 1.

(1) The Association of the Organisations of Bulgarian Employers (hereinafter called AOBE) shall be a free union of the employers’ organisations that are officially acknowledged as representative according to the operating legislation (hereinafter called employers’ organisations).

Art. 2.

(1) The AOBE shall be a voluntary organisation aiming at coordinating the positions of the employers’ organisations and at providing assistance for the consolidation, balancing and unified representation of their interests.


(2) The AOBE shall not be a separate juridical person. It shall be independent from any other governmental or non-governmental bodies and organisations with the exception of those that are its members.

Art. 3.

The AOBE has been established for an unlimited period of time.


Art. 4.

The AOBE shall aim basically at the development of cooperation between the organisations representing the employers’ interests.

Art. 5.

To achieve its aims, the AOBE shall:
  1. Establish conditions for a permanent contact among the representatives of the employers’ organisations
  2. Assist for the maintenance of a permanent exchange of opinions and consultations among the employers’ organisations on all issues that are of mutual interest
  3. Organize the cooperation among the employers’ organisations for the joint presentation of issues before the competent bodies and organisations with a view to their settlement by way of passing normative acts, as well as by the adoption of relevant economic decisions, stimulating the development of free entrepreneurship, business initiative and market economy
  4. Use its own means and potential as well as those of its members to establish and maintain the relations among the companies within the framework of loyal competition
  5. Provide assistance to its members for the settlement of disputes.


Art. 6.

The AOBE shall have regular members and observers.

Art. 7.

Regular members of the AOBE shall be the employers’ organisations that have been recognized officially as being representative ones on a national level according to the operating legislation and have signed and adopted the present Statute.

Art. 8.

Observers in the AOBE shall be employers’ organisations, regularly registered under the Bulgarian legislation as non-profit organisations, that adopt the aims and tasks of this Statute and have been approved unanimously as observers by the regular members, regardless of the fact that they do not have the status of representative employers’ organisations according to the legislation, operating in the country.

Art. 9.

Rights of the regular members:
  1. To take part in the discussions and decision-making process during the sessions of the General Assembly of the AOBE
  2. To elect and be elected in the managing bodies of the AOBE according to the adopted rotation principle, as well as to authorize their representatives to participate in the commissions and working groups that can be established whenever necessary
  3. To use the services provided by the AOBE and to receive information about its activities. <\ol>

Art. 10.

The observers shall have the right of a consultative vote.

Art. 11.

The members’ rights shall be exercised by their lawful representatives as per their statutes - presidents, vice-presidents, general secretaries, members of the managing boards, etc. Other persons may represent members of the AOBE only provided they have a relevant power of attorney.

Art. 12.

Obligations of the members:


(1) To comply with the present Statute


(2) To make all efforts to achieve the aims of the AOBE


(3) To pay regularly their membership fees, should the General Assembly decide to have such for the regular members.

Art. 13.

(1) Membership with the AOBE can be terminated on the following grounds:
  1. Upon the written request of the respective employers’ organisation, submitted to the President of the AOBE or to his/her deputy if the termination is asked by the organisation that is chairing the association.
  2. If the respective employers’ organisation is no longer representative on a national level.


(2) The termination under Art.13(1) point 1 is effective as of the day when the written request for it has been received. The termination under Art. 13(1) point 2 is effective as of the promulgation of the resolution taking away from the organisation the status "representative employers’ organisation on a national level" in compliance with the regulations of the Bulgarian legislation.


Art. 14.

The costs related to the functioning of the AOBE shall be shared by the members in compliance with the resolutions of the General Assembly.

Art. 15.

The costs related to the activity of working groups, experts, consulting groups, etc. shall be borne in a way indicated by the resolution for their establishment.


Art. 16.

The bodies of the AOBE shall be:
  1. The General Assembly
  2. The President and the Vice-President(s).

Art. 17.

(1) The General Assembly shall consist of one representative of every employers’ organisation, in compliance with Art. 11 of this Statute. At the sessions, the representative may be accompanied by a reasonable number of advisers and experts, provided there is no decision restricting their presence at the respective session.


(2) The General Assembly shall be organized, held and chaired by the President or the Vice-President.


(3) The General Assembly shall be convened whenever necessary for the fulfillment of the aims and tasks of the AOBE as per this Statute, but not less than once per three months, by the President of the AOBE, by a written invitation, including the agenda and the materials on it, indicating the date and venue of the session. The invitation shall be sent at least 7 days before the session, except in urgent cases calling for extraordinary sessions. New items can be put on the agenda only with a unanimous decision by all members.


(4) The sessions of the General Assembly shall be considered regular if attended by more than the half of the regular members. All decisions shall be taken with unanimity by all regular members.

Art. 18.

(1) The AOBE shall be chaired on a rotation principle by the Presidents of the respective employers’ organisations, who shall keep the secretariat of the AOBE as well.


(2) For the term under the preceding paragraph, the Vice-President shall be a representative of the employers’ organisation that is going to take the chair, as per the order approved by the General Assembly.


(3) Powers of the President of the AOBE:
  1. To represent the AOBE, as per the resolutions of the General Assembly, before all juridical and physical persons in the country and abroad.
  2. To convene, organize and chair the General Assembly of the AOBE
  3. To direct the AOBE and its activities in fulfillment of the regulations of this Statute and of the Resolutions of the General Assembly
  4. To put forward for approval by the General Assembly the text of his/her report or remarks for the annual session of the International Labour Organisation, to report before it about what has been done during the session and to provide the adopted documents to the other members. The obligations under point (4) hold valid for the representation of the AOBE before other bodies of international organisations as well.


(4) For the term of the year during which according to the rotation principle a representative of an employers’ organisation is a President of the AOBE, a Vice-President shall be a representative of the employers’ organisation that has to take up the chair, as per the order approved by the General Assembly.


Art. 19.

The AOBE shall have a rectangular stamp with an inscription in Bulgarian and English "Association of the Organisations of Bulgarian Employers" upon the background of the geographic delineation of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Art. 20.

(1) The First General Assembly of the AOBE shall adopt the principle according to which the rotation of the Presidency shall be effected, as well as of the representation of the Association at international forums different from the annual sessions of the ILO, for which the participation quota is smaller than the number of members of the AOBE.


(2) When a new member is admitted, it shall be included in the rotation after all remaining members take their turn, as of the year (date) of admission.

Art. 21.

This Statute enters into force when signed by all founding members who have to endorsed it in compliance with their statutory documents.