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PHARE SMALL PROJECTS, 2005/107-508 “No good agricultural practices in Bulgarian Food Safety” (No GAPs)

PHARE SMALL PROJECTS, 2005/107-508 “No good agricultural practices in Bulgarian Food Safety” (No GAPs) The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized in Sofia an international workshop dedicated on “Good agricultural practices and food safety” on 15 and 16 May 2006 .The workshop was the major event, among the other activities, held by the Chamber under a PHARE project.

During the workshop were presented the European principles and directives what regards the food safety and the introduction of EUREGAP as a preventive initial approach for the food safety along the production chain “from farm to table”.

Experts from the Netherlands, Italy, Czeck Republic and Poland made presentations on their experience for implementation of GAPs.

A business delegation composed by 10 agricultural producers from Turkey, organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce and Industry took place in the workshop.

All the materials from the workshop will be found here.

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For additional information, please contact:
“European Integration & Projects” Directorate
tel. (+ 359 2) 988 34 82

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